
Ever since the 1950s, Vigas had been wanting to create monumental works that could be integrated with architecture. He completed three important projects: the first was the murals that are part of project Síntesis de las Artes for the Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas, whose campus designed by the architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva. Vigas conceived these murals in Paris in 1953. Years later, in 1981, he created a Homenaje a la cultura de Tacarigua for the 40th Anniversary of the Ateneo de Valencia, a mural in ceramic measuring 3 x 10 meters, whose relief figures refer to the indigenous culture of the area. The mural was developed in the workshops of the Cerámica Carabobo Company. Then, in 2005, Vigas made his last monumental work, entitled Trilogía para Banesco, a 200-square meter mural made in Caracas for the terrace of a bank building in the central plaza of the city of Banesco. For this mural Vigas returned to the mural projects he had conceived in 1955, with miniature figures painted on wooden tablets, and to a sketch he made in 1959.